Blog Articles

    From the beginning, it was our hope and intention that the MEGA65 would be able to run multiple cores, allowing it to be many different computers and consoles.  This is why we built the whole Flash Menu framework, that allows a user to select which core to load when powering up by holding down the

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    It has been a sheer delight the past few days, as people have begun receiving and assembling their MEGA65 DevKits, and even started to create things using them!

    In case you missed the action, there are now several first impressions / assembly videos up on youtube:

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    Things have been a bit quiet on the blog here, as I have been pretty flat out with work, and starting to plan to move back to the city after nearly a year here in the Outback. The work on getting the MEGA65 DevKits shipped has been going along steadily over the last few weeks as well, but with

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    After completing the first milestone of our NLnet Foundation grant for advancing the MEGAphone into something that others can easily replicate and develop for, its time to attack the next milestone, which is all about completing the testing of our R2 PCB. The following (rather long) blog post

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    Today we have an update from Hernán on his Sprite Editor work. Over to Hernán!

    In the software side of the project we have been working adding more features in the built-in Sprite Editor, which you can invoke from the Freezer menu.

    Keep in mind that the current version reads and writes registers and

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    There are a couple of niggly little bugs left in the HyperRAM controller. Annoyingly, they don't show up under simulation, so I am having to do a bit more detective work than I would like.

    The first happens when reading: The first byte of a read block can be wrong. But this only seems to happen

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