Blog Articles Tagged with “MEGA65”
This short post is really one for the folks out there pulling their hair out with FPGA development in general, rather than the MEGA65 specifically.
I have had errors like the following a few times, and it always takes me a while to remember what the cause is:
ERROR: [Synth 8-2396] near character -
As many reading will know, the German arm of the project has been running a fund raiser since mid-October last year, with the goal of funding the manufacture of the injection-moulding tooling to build the cases for the MEGA65.
The main concerns that people raised about this, was that it was rather -
Just a super-quick post to say that the interview I gave a couple of weeks ago about the MEGA65 is now live in the German-language podcast. This interview runs for about two hours, and covers a wide range of topics. It is unfortunately only available in my dodgy German that my
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Seit gestern ist MEGA65 mit einer eigenen Optik im Forum64 unterwegs. Passend zum Logo gilt „MEGA65 @ Forum64“.
Bei uns ganz nah an den Entwicklern und Entscheidern des MEGA65 Projekts.
Mit Freude können wir bekanntgeben, dass die Forenadmins uns ein Unterforum zur Verfügung gestellt habenn, um alles, rund um das ThemaMEGA65 und MEGAphone gezielt beantworten und publizieren zu können.
Unser besonder Dank